Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Random Acts of Reading Kindness

So I was kind of at a loss today on what to post for WW, I wanted to try and continue to tie it in with the March of Kindness but was not sure what to post.  I was thinking of posting pics of the kids sleeping together as when they wake up at night scared they often just climb into bed with each other instead of calling out for mom or dad. 

Then the mail came.........

this picture was Little Mans idea-he wanted me to take it
and send it to Atina to tell her thank you.

that's a lot of new books to read!
Now to just keep them away from Monkey!

Our sweet sweet friend Atina, from Harmony and All That Jazz, sent the kids each a Clifford dog and a bunch of really awesome books!  yes, I have read through ALL of them at least once today already!

If you follow my blog then you know that Monkey is very anti-book and has destroyed so many of our favorites so this was an awesome and very unexpected Random Act of Kindness!

Thanks Atina, YOU ROCK!  I hope I can pass it on soon!!


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